
Cover image This website forms the course notes for 94692 Data Science Practice which is an elective subject developed as part of the Master of Data Science and Innovation program at the University of Technology, Sydney. For more information about this subject see the Subject Information. For more information about the MDSI program see the MDSI Prospectus.

Whilst these course materials have been produced specifically for MDSI students, they have been made available under a permissive license for the benefit of the wider data science community.

The book is written in RMarkdown with bookdown. It is automatically rebuilt from source by Bitbucket Pipelines.

This book would not have been possible without the following open source tools and resources:

Materials were inspired, re-used and re-mixed from the following sources:

Special thanks to the UTS staff and students who assisted with reviewing and editing these course notes: Detlev Kerkovius, Dominic Mackenzie, Durand Sinclair, Kailash Awati, Pedro Fernandez, Rory Angus.